
潮澎遊 Wave Penghu商標



The Wave Penghu pre-order platform’s "e-Consumption Cycle" is launching an online and offline discount program!

To enable consumers to engage in a physical and online consumption cycle by continuously obtaining discounts, the Wave Penghu product/itinerary pre-order platform and eTicket merchants are jointly running the "e-Consumption Cycle" marketing campaign for a period of nearly 3 months from now until November 30th, 2023. The campaign offers a combination of physical coupons and online coupon codes to steer customers to brick-and-mortar shops and the Wave Penghu platform, driving the online-merge-offline (OMO) consumption cycle and boosting the turnover of both the pre-ordering platform and the physical merchants, thus creating a win-win situation.

Consumers who redeem each NT$200 eTicket voucher on the Wave Penghu platform or make purchases on the Wave Penghu pre-order platform will be entitled to an "e-Consumption Cycle Physical Coupon," which they can use to make purchases at the participating merchants to enjoy the discounts offered by the outlets. Meanwhile, consumers who spend at least NT$200 (including by cash, credit card, e-payment or eTicket) using any payment instrument at the physical merchants will be entitled to an "e-Consumption Cycle Online Coupon." Entering the promotion code of Clouding Travel, Ph BAY or OwlTing Market shown on the coupon on the Wave Penghu pre-order platform, you can get NT$100 off an order of NT$500 or more. A total of 700 quotas are available while stocks last.


The link to the campaign and the QR code is as follows



